
Sharing Files:
1. Make sure your file of choice is in a place that you can find it
2. Click the "Upload" button in the top right of this page to open the uploader
3. Hit the "Browse" button to open the file finder (Do not try to enter a password - This is an owner only password system)
4. Find your file in the finder to upload, click it, and hit open
5. Hit the big red "Upload" button under the "Browse" button and watch as the link appears at the top to open your file
- Errors:
- 1. Illegal File Type: The file you chose is not allowed on the server at the moment... Tell the owner about the error and the file type
- 2. File Too Big: The CharShare Server can not handle a file of this size and will have to have manual upload by the owner

URL Shortener:
1. Copy your URL of choice
2. Click the "URL Shortener" button in the top right of the page
3. Paste the URL of choice into the green colored "URL" box
4. Hit the "Shorten URL" button at the bottom to submit and watch your new URL appear at the top

Opening Files:
- Method #1:
- - Type the URL
- Method #2
- - Goto home page and enter the ID (at the end of the URL given from "Sharing Files" or "URL Shortener")